How to Have Productive Team Meetings (that Don’t Suck)
Overview: Are team meetings making you feel anxious, bored, or unmotivated? Here are some tips for more enjoyable (and productive) team meetings.
Unproductive meetings waste team members time and leave them feeling frustrated. However with a few tweaks you can turn your meetings around so they are actually accomplishing something leaving team members satisfied.
Most important: Start on time and end on time.
Tip #1: Start with announcements or small talk (5 minutes):
This is not applicable to every team, but some teams like to start with small talk. Showing interest in team members’ personal lives can go a long way to open team members up for conversation during the team meeting.
Discuss updates on upcoming projects or events within the team or company.
Tip #2: Conduct an analysis that covers the following (5 minutes):
Metrics to measure team performance. Examples are number of phone calls answered, number of projects completed, average turnaround time for deliverables. Something tangible that you can track.
Compare previous metrics to show improvement, or decline, in performance.
Tip #3: Review action items & weekly goals (10 minutes):
This is a great opportunity to have each employee commit to an action item to improve individual/team performance. You can also establish what things need to be accomplished this week, and reconfirm with deadlines. Be sure you look back on what tasks were assigned the week before and mark any off the list that were completed.
Tip #4: Address any problems and solutions (30 minutes):
This should take up most of your meeting. Discuss any challenges the team is facing or ideas they would like to implement. This time should be spent solving the issues that are brought up and creating action items.
Tip #5: Discuss recent successes (5 minutes):
Let each team member to share a recent win or success that they are proud of. This is a good way to encourage team members in their work and send them off motivated.– Joey Harding, Senior Associate
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