Strategic Planning & Board Retreat Workshop

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Session 1: Strategic Planning Workshop – 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST
Session 2: Board Retreat Workshop – 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM PST

What to Expect:
This full-day workshop is tailored towards PHA organizations to give you a deep dive into strategic planning & board retreats. This is not a traditional presentation where you listen as speakers present. This is a participatory classroom setting where you will have a chance to engage with the presenters and others in attendance. To ensure the best interactive learning experience for you. Please come prepared to participate in knowledge sharing transfer.

Early Bird Discount $500 off for Sign Ups Before September 31st

Full Day $2,800
Half Day $2.000
Early Bird: $2,300/$1,500

Connection member pricing
Full Day $1,500
Half Day $1,000
Early Bird: $1,000/$500

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